简介: After the divorce, Lisa was left with two children. Soon she meets a woman who is called her relative and says that their family has a family curse
简介: 安德烈(阿列克塞·古斯科夫 Aleksei Guskov 饰)被盛赞为音乐天才,曾经当过俄国最伟大的交响乐团“波修瓦”的著名的乐队指挥。但因拒绝驱逐乐团里的犹太乐手,包括他最好的朋友——沙查(迪米特里·纳扎罗夫 Dmitri Nazarov 饰)而被解雇,染上了酗酒的毛病。“波修瓦”现在的经理为
简介:A cheerful yet serious Indonesian Romeo and Juliet. A boy and a girl from the same district, but with difficult childhoods and other reasons not to ac
简介:警探艾迪(罗伯特?德尼罗 Robert De Niro 饰)是纽约的知名人物,他长期在媒体上出镜为公众带来案件实况。两名出狱不久的东欧男子埃米尔(卡瑞尔?罗登 Karel Roden 饰)和奥列格来到纽约,他们找到背叛了自己的同伙,将其杀死后把现场付之一炬,崇拜美国电影的奥列格更把整个过程拍了下来。