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    You Are Not Alone (Danish Du er ikke alene) (1978) is a Danish coming-of-age film written by Lasse Nielsen and Bent Petersen, directed by Lasse Nielsen and Ernst Johansen and produced by Steen Herdel.  Set in a Danish all-boys boarding school where one of the boys, Bo (Anders Agensø) develops a special relationship with the headmaster's young son Kim (Peter Bjerg). In the beginning of the film the headmaster is trying to get funding for a new gym for the school. The boarding school is likely a Christian one, as they have school prayer and the teachers keep referring to good Christian morals. This is a film not just about Bo, Kim, and their growing relationship, it is a true coming-of-age story. The filmmakers capture perfectly budding sexuality and inter-personal relationships, including the young women who work in the cafeteria a nasty gang of older teens. In another plot line, a troubled student is expelled for displaying pornographic posters, and some of the students decide to protest this by walking-out of classes, the boy is eventually allowed to return to school so that he may graduate. At the year-end graduation ceremony, the boys present to the entire school their families, a short film they have made all by themselves, based on the commandment Love thy neighbor. It also serves as the euphoric climax ending to this film.  你不孤独(丹麦语: Du er ikke alene) ( 1978 )这部丹麦未来派电影是由Lasse Nielsen和Bent Petersen编剧,由Lasse Nielsen 导演,由Steen Herdel担任制作人  故事设在丹麦的所有男生寄宿学校,其中一名男孩,Bo (Anders Agens oslash)与校长的儿子Kim (Peter Bjerg)培养出一种特殊的感情。在电影的一开始校长正试图为建立一个新的体操学校而筹集资金。这可能是一个基督教的学校,因为他们学校的老师为保持良好的基督教道德而每天作祈祷。这个电影讲述的不仅仅是柏,金,和他们日益增长的关系,它还是一个真正的未来的时代的故事。这部电影完美的捕捉了青少年的性萌发期和人际关系发展期,还描述了年轻妇女谁在食堂和一群肮脏的大龄青年。在另一项故事线,一个陷入困境的学生因为展示色情海报而被开除,还有一些学生步行出的班级而发起抗议游行,男孩最终获准返回学校,以便他能毕业。在今年年底毕业典礼,男孩代表整个学校和他们的家人发言,一部短片,他们已经尽一切本身的基础上,诫命“爱你的邻居” 。还以欣快高潮来结束这部影片。


    • 7.0HD彝海结盟傅学诚,多布杰
    • 2.0HD恐怖旧楼Taylor,Hastings
    • 2.0HD遗嘱继承者瑞秋·尼科尔斯,佩顿·李斯特,奥斯汀·斯托维尔,鲍勃·冈顿,大卫·瓦尔顿,Briana,Middleton,里斯·亚历山大,Chris,Wood
    • 5.0超清盈盈的心事付悦,靳若刚,李晓华
    • 10.0HD狼族时代伊莎贝尔·于佩尔,碧翠斯·黛尔,帕特里斯·夏侯,罗纳·哈特纳,莫里斯·贝尼舒,奥利维埃·古尔梅,布里吉特·罗安,卢卡·比斯孔贝,Hakim,Taleb,阿娜伊斯·德穆斯蒂埃,塞尔日·里亚布金,Maryline,Even,弗洛伦斯·卢瓦雷·卡耶,布兰科·萨马罗夫斯基,丹尼尔·杜瓦尔
    • 7.0高清吴清源张震,张艾嘉,李雪健,柄本明,伊藤步

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