简介:Two destinies intersect. Norbert has worked for twenty years in Africa. Either out of idealism or because he was forced to flee his country of origin.
简介:Roberta e Leòn sono due quarantenni precari che inscenano un finto matrimonio per intascare i soldi degli invitati. I due protagonisti si incontrano c
简介: 2001年THE GLASS HOUSE 的续集,Angie Harmon(《法律与秩序》 )和Joel Gretsch (《少数派报告》)扮演的角色看起来是一对完美的父母。当Abby和Ethan在一场悲剧事故中失去双亲后,他们被起先视为最亲切的父母Eva and Raymond Goode收养
简介:Ein überzeugender wie großformatiger Ost-West-Stoff, der die großen Themenkomplexe Stasi-, Republikflucht und Loyalität unter Freunden in einer packen